Friday, October 30, 2009

Pieces of Heart

I have this old, sadly broken box in my special-stuff-drawer. It's red and heart-shaped, with a long crack running down the centre of the lid, marking where someone had once pushed it too hard. If you tried to ease it open and get inside, it'd separate into three pieces, so I never kept anything inside it. It’s just a lonely, empty, little heart. Loved once, but shoved in the corner to collect dust after it snapped.

I could just throw it out, but I think, one day, I'm going to pull it out from its dusty corner and perform some loving surgery. Find a little glue and sew the shattered shards tenderly back together. Fuse those fragments into something complete, so it can safely embrace valuables again.

Do you know any hearts that need mending?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed looking over your blog
God bless you